Monday, May 4, 2009

be still

I'm sitting here feeling the desire to write, but doubting that I have anything of value to say this morning.  I have been grateful to have a schedule in the last week or two that has given me space to rest, relax, get off the rat race treadmill.  The fruit of this time has been a reawakening of my heart, renewed clarity about my life and family, a reminder that there are important things I was beginning to explore that were abandoned in the busyness of work.

This morning has been good.  I woke and got two boys happily off to school.  Brought a minimal amount of order to the chaos of the upstairs before the washer repairman arrives.  Researched anti inflammatory and anti cancer diets (which has just left me even more confused).  Had a wonderful 39 minute conversation with a good friend I'd not spoken to in about 6 months, listening to the story of the love God has brought to her life and her quickly approaching wedding.  Ate red grapefruit and yogurt with blueberries and granola for breakfast.  And read a chapter in Brennan Mannings book "the furious longing of God" followed by Galatians 4.  Its not even 10 am and its been a peaceful beginning to the day.  I am thankful for this. I don't realize how much I need quiet and aloneness when life is noisy and busy.  

So as the rest of my day hits its usual bumps I hope to carry this peace with me.